Saturday, September 23, 2006

An Explanation of 20

1. SXSW for the 3rd time - Austin, TX 2006. I had a terrible time.
2. write a letter to our Congressman or Representative - I've written two: one about net neutrality (FOR IT!) and one requesting information about the P.A.T.R.I.O.T Act (Bullshit!)
3. buy a really cool pair of shoes - Sexy and black.
4. watch every episode of Grey's Anatomy - Yeppers.
9. floss - I've been doing really good on this one.
10. repair bike and save gas - One of the most recent accomplishments. I even rode it 6 miles from my house to the dorms and have been riding it to class. I'm now one of THOSE people.
11. clean my car inside and out - Considering I got a new car, big checkmark.
19. buy antique jewelery - Chicken Farm
20. play a lot of animal crossing
24. complete all essays for Ellery's class on time
26. play tennis again - I'm even enrllolled in a Tennis class now!
29. catch a bouquet at a wedding - My single most suprising accomplishment. I caught it at my best friend's wedding... doesn't mean I'm getting married anytime soon though.
31. go to church, but think for myself
35. keep practicing my flute - Playing in church programs too.
36. practice my ballet - I've incorporated a lot of this in the flag routines I've made up for the high school.
37. don't over-involve myself - I'm only in 2 organizations now, and I'm not president of either one! Suprising.
38. make some great coffee - finally!
39. don't get drunk, just razzed - I haven't been drunk since sometime last fall.
40. don't talk with mouth full - Maybe I have done this...
43. be nice to spoiled rotten sister - This is SO difficult, but I've held out for the most part.

I'll analyze the rest as they come. This is more for my own benefit than for you to read, so I apologize for boring you.

1 comment:

A.C. said...

almost time to make a new 100 list... of things to do.

i love it when i can scratch one off, i hate it when i fail.