Saturday, June 09, 2007

the heart of a love child

I've gotten a little itch lately to just get up and GO! Living in San Angelo, Texas, I am quite sick of there just being movies, coffee and ice cream to entertain the entirety of the young population. I want to bike, canoe, hike, swim in freshwater, climb trees, camp, dance (as in salsa, cha-cha, ballroom, the real stuff), and when the day is over I want to eat at an organic coffee shop that puts humus on sandwiches. I have really gotten so far from my roots that I have found myself thinking mesquite trees are kind of pretty. I know all God's creations are beautiful, but I seriously think only the Devil himself would put giant spikes on trees that cause blood poisoning when they puncture skin.

Okay, so that's getting away from the point. The point is I grew up an entirely different person than what I thought I would. From birth to 10 I ate mainly organic and practically lived outdoors. I was raised a bonified granola child, along with all of my other siblings. My family used to hike like nobody's business; I hiked 6000 feet up Mt. Shasta when I was 9 years old and I've peeked multiple other mountains in CA before the age of 10. I miss the whole wheat apple croissants and having easy access to Blue Sky Cherry Vanilla Cream soda whenever I want. I see pictures of my hippie mother when she was my age wearing bell bottoms and a belt that reads "Save the Children" and my dad always talks about the Summer of Love and smoking joints with Janis Joplin and The Grateful Dead. Where is my defining generation moment!

I think what I miss most about CA is the progressive conservationist attitude. The majority of Texans just don't have the mind set that will sustain the planet. I get so mad when I see one person driving around in a huge suburban or some jackass in a lifted F150 swerving through traffic like it's a road race. HELLO?! India and China are competing heavily for oil now, gas will never be under $2 anymore and it's running out and you're waisting it to look like a fashionable Texan? Screw that.

I'm just trying to keep in touch with that love child I once was, so I think I'm going to focus on that for this summer. My boyfriend thinks I'm an idiot for being that way... I've already strayed too far from who I think I should be which means I don't know myself very well. I thought I knew exactly what I wanted but since my birthday, those rose colored glasses I viewed the world through came off and I'm left feeling like an angsty teenager. Haha, the cycles we go through. I know everyone does this too.

I think very few people really understand how much I miss this stuff.