Tuesday, October 12, 2004

Since I don't really have a radio in my car, I spend my time thinking when I'm driving around. Today I was thinking about how many people hate their jobs and wish they were doing something else with their lives. I bet about 75% of the working class of America really don't enjoy doing what they do. I'm pretty scared that's going to be me one day.

I'm still having trouble figuring out what it is that I want to do. I have ideas and such, but pinpointing anything is a real challenge for me. My biggest fear is wasting time in college. Am I majoring in the right field here? Should I go business or teaching? I've had plan after plan, but my fickle bone keeps rattling. Previously my plan was to graduate in 3 years, do the alternative teaching bit, and then settle. Now I'm thinking going to sumer school to graduate early is a waste of time and energy also. Why settle for 12 hours in two summer terms when I can get at least 15 done during the long semesters? Plus, what about graduate school? A Master's Degree is a really nice thing to have.

Through it all one thing is for sure, I think I can pretty much work a 9-5 anywhere as long as I have that to come home to everynight. Now that I have this, I really want other's to have it too (thier own version of it of course.) Talk about "sharing the love."

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