Monday, December 08, 2008

creative souls

Catherine Hardwicke, director of Twilight, will not be returning to direct New Moon (which is coming up frighteningly fast.) This is a pretty severe disappointment due to her awesome, creative spirit that really comes to life in Twilight. She was the one behind all those creative shots of the mountains, tree line, waterfalls, deep dark forest, etc. Apparently I'm really into nature shots. That was what made that movie wonderful for me! The Pacific Northwest in all its glory! This is really unfortunate for the up coming films. I'm kind of afraid of how they are going to approach New Moon now. It has quickly become my favorite in the series (though I've only read two of them, I'm not letting myself read Eclipse yet because I am fearing an obsession to bad literature, bad as in terrible but additively awesome.) I'll say a little something about why it's my favorite after finals, but now I'm focusing on Adler, Rogers, and Perls.

Anyway, I wish it was Kristen Stewart who was announcing her leave. The woman can't act - she has two faces: perplexed coupled with in awe and frustrated coupled with distressed, both of which look strikingly similar save one small factor: she bites her lip when she's distressed.

Maybe she's cool in Into the Wild, which I haven't been able to see yet. I'm wanting to read that first along with Dharma Bums and On the Road again (both of which are set in the Pacific Northwest). Kerouac is freaking fantastic! I'm taking a turn for good literature.

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