Thursday, November 29, 2007


Today I had a really bad "blood donating" experience. First off, my iron level was lower than usual because of my severe lack of appetite, but it still dropped just before that 15 second mark. Then when they pricked me I just bled and bled and bled. I was seriously in the chair for about 5 minutes total. The nurses looked kind of disturbed at how fast I gave the pint. When they removed the needle, I kept bleeding. It shot out of that vein like it was a ruptured artery or something, ending up all over my arm. Quite disgusting. Even after putting my arm over my head and all the correct procedures, the blood wouldn't cease. Twice I just let it gush out and form a pool of maroon on the nook of my elbow. This too disturbed those nurses. Finally, after the pressure of nurse's firm grip, it stopped and I was able to leave.

As I left, I couldn't help but feel it was some kind of metaphoric and symbolic experience for me. Yeah, I'm bleeding.... profusely. And it won't stop.

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