Friday, May 11, 2007

blessings be

I have had some of the most roller coaster-esque few weeks of my college career lately. The things that are good are absolutely great! The things that are bad are pretty important and bad, but you don't want to hear about that now, do you? Either way I've found myself conversing with God whenever I am alone and He grants me some peace.

By some miracle (and surely one professor's mercy) I actually got a 4.0 this semester. I'm shocked at myself actually. That's two 4.0's this year! How did I do that and maintain sanity?

Dead week was probably the best week of the entire year. Here are some hints: little HW, I got published in the Oasis (I made the front cover!), bargain shopping, Spider-Man 1&2 in Texan theater, Spider-Man 3 midnight premiere, final class with Mrs. Tharp, BSM Banquet and Foot Function, cooking meals for friends. See what I mean by blessings?

Finals week has been more of the downer, though I did get awarded a scholarship from the Communications department and I did well on the the rest of my finals. It also rained for like 4 days straight, which was awesome. The major bummer is check-outs make me want to kill myself and good friends are gone now. But it's time to get serious. School is over and it's time to start a new chapter for this summer.

I'm a senior now and it's time to start making some decisions about what I want the rest of my life to be like. I've been thinking a lot about that, but I'll go into it some other time. I'm just glad summer is here and I'm making plans.

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