Tuesday, April 17, 2007

a good fight

What you need to know to assess the situation: I am currently a Communications major, English minor seeking Teacher Certification. I have a 4.0 in all English courses challenged and am aspiring to actually teach English at some point. Also, the English dpartment head is the devil incarnate.

The situation:I hit a brick wall today and I'm seething with anger right now. There is a certain class, ENG 4320 The Discipline of English, that I have to have departmental permission to get into if I'm not an English major. The class is mainly English pedagogy that I am very interested in, but the departmnet head won't let me in. She says I'm not a major and don't have the experience to take the class. On the contrary I am taking heavy loads of Englsih and I have a freakin 4.0! Who is she to tell me that I'm not experienced enough! (Well, the department head for starters.)

My fight is arguing why a student with a strong academic background can be refused a certain course he/she is interested in when the course will definately benefit the student in his/her educational career. It's just one class. I'm more than qualified for it (minus the major thing) and I know I would do very well.

The annoying thing is I really see her side of the argument too and it really IS the University's decision. But seriously, must you really deny a student's educational success? No. I'm considering appealing to the Dean. Maybe the Pres.

My ego is really showing through here. I pay enough money to this intitution that I think I should get my way. I like getting my way, dammit.


Josh said...

Wait, how much money are you paying?

Still, that's stupid.

A.C. said...
