Thursday, September 14, 2006


At the beginning of the year I made a list of 100 things to accomplish in 2006. My progress has been better than I thought. Some things I accomplished this year so far I forgot were on the list! Here is my progress in the 3/4 of a year mark.

I'll have to analyze and explain these later.

1. SXSW for the 3rd time
2. write a letter to our Congressman or Representative
3. buy a really cool pair of shoes
4. watch every episode of Grey's Anatomy
9. floss
10. repair bike and save gas
11. clean my car inside and out
19. buy antique jewelery
20. play a lot of animal crossing
24. complete all essays for Ellery's class on time
26. play tennis again
29. catch a bouquet at a wedding
31. go to church, but think for myself
35. keep practicing my flute
36. practice my ballet
37. don't over-involve myself
38. make some great coffee
39. don't get drunk, just razzed
40. don't talk with mouth full
43. be nice to spoiled rotten sister
44. make up kick ass flag routines for Grape Creek HS
47. bake cakes and cookies for friends
49. buy a new Victoria's Secret bra
50. go to an art show51. go to the symphony
52. live with Josh for the summer
53. be grateful to my dad
54. thank God for life every day
55. plant some trees, kill some misquites
64. be in my best friends' wedding
65. be happy for said friend getting married
66. pop someones Amelie cherry
68. visit sister in San Antonio
69. don't have sex
71. discover and love a new band all on my own
72. stand up strait
76. be supportive of Matty
77. buy a cool new poster
78. don't eat out very much (or at least don't PAY for it)
80. be more positive about school
81. figure out what job i can see myself doing the rest of my life
82. be there for someone
84. watch all of the olympics i can
85. keep dorm room clean
89. dig deeper into my italian heritage
90. read a graphic novel
91. eat my fruits and veggies
93. go to the library, it's there for a reason
94. order something besides a cinnamon latte at starbucks

I think I've done a pretty good job. Yay me!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Congrats on doing such a good job. Unfortunately I haven't done as well with my list. Which graphic novel did you read?