Thursday, December 18, 2003

So, another year has almost passed. I look back and only hope I've touched someone's life or made something, anything, special for someone, just as many others have done for me.

I've decided this year that I'm going to actually make some New Year's resolutions, contrary to what I've done in the past. I've never made any because I knew I'd never follow through with it. I mean, if I can't even keep small goals like keeping in touch with my family, what makes me think I can achieve bigger ones? It's high time I grow up and start taking responsibility for myself and for things that are going to affect the rest of my life. My eighteenth year is a good year to start resolutions anyway. I need a mental makeover, I can't do a thing for others until I feel ok with myself. I want to change my mind, spirit, and body.


To change my spirit I must to learn to love everybody... unconditionaly. LOVE EVERYBODY! First, of course, love God. Then, love myself. By loving myslef, I enable myslef to love others. Love is the only thing that lasts and it's the only thing that matters. So I figured I'd start there.


The top of many resolution lists is lose weight and mine happens to be no exception. It's just something that I have to do, it's a major personal battle and has been for about 2 years now. It's time to fix it. I'm not going to be unreasonable and expect to look like Jennifer Garner or anything, but I just need to get in shape, the way I used to be. Ha, I'm still flexible thank goodness. I proved that tonight at the Lighthouse with Lauren. One handed cart-wheel into the splits standing back bends can still be done!

My List (so far and so much more to add)
1. Love Others
2. Get in shape

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