I was bequeathed this book by my adoring 2nd-cousin Bob, the famous Italian one. Of course, HE would be the one to give me this book. I actually have a bit of a past with this book, so I am going to put in on my coffee table where it was always meant to go. It really is an incredible book - not only for recipes, but for food history from every region in Italy. What a history lesson! I've been mastering my cooking skills, though not iron chef quality yet. I think Jeff and Kevin benefit from it the most, Anne is a close third. The point is, I love this book and despite the history, it was an apt gift from my cousin.
I was given the
Juno soundtrack by Tyler. Then I fell in love with Kimya Dawson and

my life is changed. People rave about the movie constantly, but I'm not quite sure what I think about it yet. I loved and appreciated the writing because it was amazingly smart and witty, and we all know I lack wit. This doesn't mean I am not intelligent, I'm just not funny. I'm the one who sits back and listens to witty banter, understanding all allusions and jokes there in, but never engages in the conversation myself. That given, I really appreciated the writing and delivery, but the movie as a whole didn't strike me as incredibly impressive like it seems to be for everyone else. I bet 5 years ago I would have thought it was the cat's meow, but I've moved on to loving more mature movies like
There Will Be Blood, Gangs of New York, Godfather, etc. It's weird; these days I would take a literary, lyrical period piece over celebrity laden romantic comedies when even last year I just loved every movie I watched. Hmm. I still really want to see
Once. Oh, and you can't take
Sex and the City away from me. It is my only weakness.
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