Monday, January 30, 2006

There are some things that I have strong convictions for avoiding and others that I am a little more lenient about. I guess this can all be separated into foods, apparel, and toiletries.


For one, I am avoiding beef like the plague these days. Since last July, I can count on one hand the number of times that I've eaten beef (neither time was ground beef) When I was in SF over the summer, I was informed of some horror stories about mad cow and I'd rather not take my chances. My children will not either, no hamburgers. Unless of course it is organic, free grazing grass fed cattle. I am beef free.

Another one is white flower and white sugar. No grain or sugar occurs that white naturally. I know that when those two go through the processing plant, bleach is added. This is easily remedied becuase you can get ahold of natural cane sugar or sugar in the raw and wheat flour at all grocery stores now. No matter how awesome bleach is, I will avoid.

When it comes to organic food, I have mixed feelings. It comes down to taste and pesticides. Do you want to eat pesticides on all your vegitables and have you ever had an all organic salad? It just plain tastes better. I guess it's personal taste too, but man, carrots are more carroty and apples just burst. I'd take soy and flaxseed chips over Lays any damn day. Some of my favorite things (even if they're not organic) are only found in natural foodstores such as Kettle Chips, Blue Sky Sodas, Reed's Ginger Ale, Panda Licorice, Good Earth Tea, and Kasha. Man, you must have a deep pocket if you're going to eat primarily organic. Expensive: yes. Worth it: I can't say for sure, it's on a conditional basis.

Tune in next time for my explanation of natural toilettries.

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