Friday, January 13, 2006

Friday the thirteenth
Elliot Smith
I feel I discovered Elliot Smith for myself way too late. I wish I would've been more into his music when he was alive. I thouroughly enjoy it now, but in high school I would have loved it. It's sad when a thing like this happens. I was sitting in my dorm room casually watching Good Will Hunting and I heard the song "Between the Bars' and was hooked. I bought the album a day afterward, the first purchase of the semester. I can't believe I only discovered him this year! This album is awesome, awesome, awesome. Other favs of mine even have major referrences to him, how did I not catch these years ago? His life was pretty cool as well. He graduated from college with a degree in philosophy and politicol science, two subjects that fascinate me to no end but I'm too scared to dedicate myslef to them. Ben Folds' Late and Weezer's The Other Way are both about him. Can't live without this CD.
"I can be another fool or an exception to the rule. You decide the morning after."

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