Sunday, April 11, 2004

So my sister is home and it's awesome being with her again. She's such a joy to be around... and she swears like a sailor, it's hilarious. So far I've spent the weekend eating, laughing, watching movies, and reflecting on my childhood. My sister always reveals stuff that I did when I was little that I've completely forgotten about now. Like trying to make a dogsled team with my boxer, a leash, and a saucer sled. I ended up in a ditch. Also, trying to prove that the ice over pond was strong enough to hold me and my awesome powers. It wasn't strong enough. I vividly remember that day, now that she brings it up.

The big thing is her remembering my medical history. She distinctly remembers me having anemia as a young child and taking iron pills for it. I don't remember a lick of it, but of course I was like 3. Apparently I took them til I was about 8 or so, but all I remember is taking vitamins and such everyday. With the results of my cancer test and such, along came the yellow flag on my reb blood cell count being slightly lower than normal, a.k.a anemia. Haha, my mom didn't even remember I had a history of it till my sister said something. You think you'd remember that about your child? Oh well, it sure explains a lot though. Me catching every cold that goes around and being sick almost ALL the time ( i know what you're thinking, white blood cells would be associated with this, right? but doc says it's not only the getting sick, but the duration of the sickness). Also, Josh would know this more than anyone, me getting rediculously cold very easy. Although, weight loss and loss of appetite is associated with anemia... it's apparent that that is not a symptom of mine, darn the luck. The good thing is I don't have to take pills for it. Just eat more iron rich foods. That won't be bad, I love spinach.

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