Saturday, January 31, 2004

This is the first time I'm not actually hanging by every calendar day. Yes, the dates are marked and the countdown has begun, but right now I don't want to know how many days are left. It's so much better when you don't look at it for a while and then WHAM! 10 days have passed. Before you know it, it's 2 days till he's here and you can't function correctly because you're so excited. It's easy to loose track of time... I can't beleive it's already been 6 months. Is that the lo.... yes, it is the longest you've ever been in a relationship. The fickle feelings seem to have disappeared and all you can think of is the future. It's funny how hearing a certain song or driving by a certain place can throw you head first into your wonderful memories of last summer.... of Thanksgiving.... of Christmas.... of him.

A park

The Dock


The First Austin Trip


Gloria Record

Mario Kart


Starbucks and Krispey Kreme

The list goes on and on, but it's not finished yet.

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